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Pregnancy is a complicated time. Frankly, it has never been one of my most dignified phases in life. From what I’ve been told, hormones make most people irritable and irrational (always a fun combination). Since I’ve never experienced anyone else’s hormones, I can’t know this for sure. But what I can tell you for certain is that hormones make me cranky. And not just normal cranky, crazy cranky. Which isn’t always fun. But it can be entertaining.

Here are just a few of the crazy things that have made me crabby this pregnancy:

Taking My Vitamins. Yep. It’s as simple as that. Throughout this particular pregnancy, I’ve taken a prenatal vitamin, a probiotic, a fish oil supplement and a vitamin D supplement. Not an insane amount of pills but still a pretty good pile. And every night I feel IRRATIONALLY ANGRY when I have to take these pills. I dread it. Sometimes I take turns skipping one of them just so I can take one less pill. It’s ridiculous, but it’s true.

The sound of silverware on plates/bowls while people are eating. This may not seem like a totally crazy one. It could possibly maybe be considered a normal pet peeve to hear the “tink tink tink” of metal on porcelain. But was makes it especially crazy is that it also makes me crazy WHEN IT IS ME EATING. Who gets annoyed by a sound they are making themselves!? Apparently I do.

Noise. Yep, all noise. It’s like having a migraine without the migraine. If the child talks to loudly, if the TV volume is up to high–you name it, it makes me crazy.

Being touched. For some reason my space bubble in this pregnancy is ridiculously sensitive. Even with my own children I sometimes have to say “STOP TOUCHING ME”. My 6 year old is in a phase where she is extra clingy and she likes to “pet” me… my arm or my leg or my stomach. And it makes me insane. INSANE. I can’t even describe the level of insanity.

Actually, even having someone stand too close to me. If someone in line behind me at the grocery store gets too close or a fellow parent watching swimming lessons moves their chair too close, my skin starts to crawl and it’s all I can do not to stare at them until they get the hint and move back. WHY DOES EVERYONE FEEL THE NEED TO STAND SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER?

Being hungry when nothing sounds good to eat. This was especially frustrating in the first trimester because if I went too long without something in my stomach I would get sick. I was STARVING but NOTHING sounded good to eat. I literally had to force feed myself just so I wouldn’t throw up. Which made me feel like throwing up. It was infuriating and made me angry cry more than once.

Also, one million other little things including but not limited to:

  • having to refill my glass of water
  • the baby gate
  • bending over
  • putting on pants
  • shaving my armpits
  • opening jars, sippy cups, and anything else with a twist lid
  • mushrooms on pizza
  • hold music
  • Hulu
  • all bugs
  • sweating
  • air fresheners
  • the Internet
  • the fact that our second fridge is all the way out in the garage
  • having to plug things in
  • heartburn

And last but not least,

  • trying to remember all the things that have pissed me off lately to include in a list.


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