This is one of those posts where I admit to being more than just a mother but… Brace yourselves… A human being. (Insert collective gasp here.)

There are several versions of this quote. I like them all. I use this as a measure. A checkin. 

Today’s checkin – How much have I loved?

Many lifetimes worth. 

(In some quotes it asks how “well” you have loved…. That one is a little trickier. I guess it depends on how you define “well.”)

How gently have I lived?

Wellllllllllllllll, I get to keep working on this one. I am just beginning to appreciate the idea of “gentle” and strive for it. 

How gracefully have I let go of things not meant for me?

Ummm… Not so gracefully. 

Letting go is hard, dude. Some days I feel like I got it in the bag. Others… Well, let’s just say I understand the other Siddharha quote “You only lose what you cling to.” I know the ugliness that come from clinging. I understand why they use the word “grace” as a measuring stick for how well you let go. 

Striving for grace and gentleness. Those are pretty good goals. 

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