Snot. On my shoulder.

Today it was one billion degrees outside. And I was pregnancy-swollen as usual.

A friend was offering her condolences at my third-trimester-in-this-weather condition and, after agreeing that pregnancy had certainly never been the most dignified period in my life, I said (and I quote), “I have the rest of my life to look good.”

And then we laughed and laughed and laughed.

And laughed.

(Mostly I laughed. But she laughed with me. Or laughed at how hard I was laughing. Either way.)

Because mom life sometimes means you are sitting at swimming lessons when you realize that, in addition to having that end-of-the-day worn out mom look, you have snot all over your shoulder from your teething toddler. To think that the end of pregnancy will be the end of my struggles to look like I showered this week or that I know what foundation is is comically delusional.

And you know what? That’s ok with me. I’ll take the puffiness if it means a beautiful, healthy baby girl. I’ll take the snot if it means a sweet toddler rested her head on my shoulder for a moment that day. I’ll take the circles under my eyes and the yoga pants covered in crumbs because they mean moments and memories and so much love. I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

Plus snot makes a way better story than having time to put on mascara does.

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