I have successfully narrowed parenting a five year old down to these 3 recurring conversations. You’re welcome.

Conversation #1

5 year old: “Mom? What’s a (mumbles incoherent question)?

Me: “What?”

5 year old: (Repeats mumbled question)

Me: “Child, I can’t understand what you are saying. Can you please speak more clearly?”

5 year old: (Repeats question, mostly clearly, except one key word is still jumbled. Example: “Mom, what is a nerfve?”)

Me: “What is a WHAT?”

5 year old: “A (repeats jumbled word)”

Me: “A nerF? A nerVe? I don’t understand.”

5 year old: “A NERfve.”

Me: (blank stare) “Are you saying NERVE? Like a nerve in your body?”

5 year old: “Yeah.”

Me: (more blank stare) “Can we talk about this in a little while? I’m busy concentrating on ____ and that is a complicated question. Also, I’m exhausted from asking you five questions just to try to understand what your one question was.”


Conversation #2

Me: Dinner time!

5 year old: I’m not hungry.

Me: Please eat.

5 year old: (whines) But I’m so fulllllllllllll.

Me: You need to eat at least ____# of bites.

5 year old: (whines through all ___ bites)

(20 minutes later…)

5 year old: Can I have a snack?

Me: No. You just had dinner and you didn’t even eat.


Me: (Pulls hair out)


Conversation #3

5 year old: Can I go swimming?

Me: After lunch when I put your sister to sleep.

(Two minutes later)

5 year old: Can I go swimming after lunch?

Me: Yes. After I put your sister to sleep.

(Two minutes later)

5 year old: I was thinking about going swimming after lunch. Is that ok?

Me: Yes. I already said yes.

(Two minutes later)

5 year old: Is it ok if I go swimming after lunch?

Me: Didn’t I already answer this?

5 year old: I don’t know? Yes?

Me: Yes. I did. And what was my answer?

5 year old: I don’t remember.

(Pulls hair out)

(Two minutes later)

5 year old: So…. I can go swimming?

Me: NO.

5 year old: But you already said I could!!


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